John Piper - Who literally is.....The Most Agonising Christian Problem.....
Here below is a copy of what Mr Piper says about the 'assurance of salvation' and I will break it down and disect it in order to reveal his blasphemous errors.
"The most agonizing problem about the assurance of salvation is not the problem of whether the objective facts of Christianity are true (God exists, Christ is God, Christ died for sinners, Christ rose from the dead, Christ saves forever all who believe, etc.). Those facts are the utterly crucial bedrock of our faith. But the really agonizing problem of assurance is whether I personally am saved by those facts. This boils down to whether I have saving faith."
If we are Born Again we are given faith and without that faith, we could not believe - period. We only know that Mr Piper's 'objective facts' are facts because we do believe and that that ability to believe is given to us in the first place. Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God." Faith and Grace are gifts of God, our faith has got nothing to do with it.
Now here is his first blasphemy: "This boils down to whether I have saving faith." What makes this statement a blasphemy? Well, he says he is a Christian and then he questions whether or not he has 'saving faith' Why does he ask this question? Easy, because he thinks his salvation is down to him and.....wait for it, 'his saving faith' He thinks his faith is saving him and that is the blasphemy of what he is saying. If we are Born Again we automatically have saving faith because it is given to us by The Godhead.
As I write I have received comments from his supporters who actually say Mr Piper isn't saying what he is saying!! How do they work that out? Do they have a problem with basic English, for I am not writing in the intellectual style? Ah yes maybe that's the problem - not enough gobble-de-gook for them, I am not taking them round in ever decreasing circles and still not coming to an understanding of The Truth. I am giving them The Truth, straight and undiluted but it's too simple for them!! Can you believe that? You'd better believe it 'cos that's the The Truth too.
"What makes this agonizing - for many in the history of the church and today - is that there are people who think they have saving faith but don't."
Here we go again, more agonising, how does he cope with all that pain? Oh, to be a martyr in the order of John Piper. Then we get a little demo of his Pharisee's credentials by telling us there are some who think they are saved but they are not? Very dangerous ground indeed. He then quotes a passage of Scripture that applies to him more than it does to those he is talking about!
"For example, in Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus says, (I've requoted this passage in a more accurate translation) "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.""
Uncannily, he then asks some very appropriate and pertinent questions re-himself without knowing it:
"So the agonizing question for some is: do I really have saving faith? Is my faith real? Am I self-deceived?"
Yes, Mr Piper, you are most definitely deceived.
"Some well-intentioned people try to lessen the problem by making faith a mere decision to affirm certain truths, like the truth: Jesus is God, and he died for my sins. Some also try to assist assurance by denying that any kind of life-change is really necessary to demonstrate the reality of faith. So they find a way to make James 2:17 mean something other than what is seems to mean: "Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead." But these strategies to help assurance backfire.
If these people exist, for I do not know any of them, who has taught them? How have they come to baptism without lifestyle changes - without repentance? Confession of sins comes before baptism - admission of, and admitting our wretchedness comes before baptism - this is basic discipleship! These things don't come after baptism. If these people are baptised without a change of heart - a change that is wholly enabled by God the Father, not the person involved, then they are falsley baptised and it is the fault of the pastor/minister and no one else.
If we are proper converts, yes, we will continue to sin, but all the while acknowledging it is sin. The unconverted carnal mind would not do this, it cannot do it, the carnal mind does not recognise sin as sin and these falsley baptised people will just continue as before, because they're not called and sin is not sin to them. This is not rocket science, it's a basic Christian fundamental, a basic fundamental of conversion.
OK, I will move on to the next little gem in his diatribe:
All these so called ministers/pastors, like Piper, drop clangers sooner or later, I don't even have to speed read through their material first, for I know one will come sooner or later and here we have the first clanger in the misuse of James 2:17. Here he is using this verse to try and prove that someone is saved or not, which is a blasphemy - it's sheer nonsense. James 2:17 is talking about our faith, not Jesus' faith, which we are given when Born Again. Our faith earns us rewards stored in Heaven - nothing else, and only if it is accompanied with works, for our faith without works is dead. Nevertheless, we still have saving faith whether our faith has been exercised or not. Saving faith enables us to believe in the first place, and then on that foundation, we build our faith, but they are two types of faith - one is part of that free gift of salvation and the other one a faith that doesn't exist until we bring it to life with our works - that is, any kind of works that involves risk and trusting in The Lord for its success. Please note, 'works' does not mean worldly liberal reforming do-gooding.
"They deny some Scripture; and even the minimal faith they preserve can be agonized over and doubted by the tormented soul. They don't solve the problem, and they lose truth. And, perhaps worst of all, they sometimes give assurance to people who should not have it.Instead of minimizing the miraculous, deep, transforming nature of faith, and instead of denying that there are necessary life-changes that show the reality of faith, we should tackle the problem of assurance another way."
As I have already said, all this should be dealt with in discipling, and if not dealt with then the candidate is not ready for baptism. He then again refers to the 'assurance of salvation' as a problem. There is no problem to the assurance of salvation, for once Born Again we cannot become unborn again - it's impossible and The Lord would never allow it anyway.
The 'problems' that do arise are caused by those who are baptised by pastors who don't know what they are doing. These supposed converts are people whom The Father is plainly not calling but because people like Piper think conversion is a decision on the part of the convert they end up baptising loads of people who shouldn't be baptised. You know the ones, those who have 'accepted' Jesus Christ as their Saviour. This fallacious 'teaching' says we have a say in our conversion - a nonsense. If you think that, I suggest you read Acts where Saul's conversion is described, and you won't find him saying "Oh Lord I accept you as my Saviour" - Saul/Paul had no say in the matter at all, it was The Father's decision to call him and Jesus Christ actioned it - end of story.
Now for more 24 carrat gobble-de-gook and even bigger blasphemies! Stay with it folks 'cos this wretched individual's Biblical ignorance knows no bounds.
"We should begin by realizing that there is an objective warrant for resting in God's forgiveness of my sins, and there is a subjective warrant for God's forgiveness of my sins. The objective warrant is the finished work of Christ on the cross that "has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified" (Hebrews 10:14). The subjective warrant is our faith which is expressed in "being sanctified."
Warrants!!?? What warrants? The only warrant should be for this blasphemer's arrest and gagging order, so he can't preach any more rubbish, rubbish which puts Believers into the bondage and slavery of his non-gospel. A non-gospel of salvation by process and/or sanctification by progress. Hebrews 10:14 "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." We are sanctified "once for all" when we are made Holy and this happens....wait for it.... AT ONCE - instantaneously - immediately, there is no process to it at all. Once Born Again we are made Holy by the indwelling of The Holy Spirit and we cannot get any more Holy than that - it's impossible!! Notice too "By which will we are Sanctified" There is no mention at all here of any process to Sanctification. If an unbelieving spouse is pleased to dwell with their believing husband or wife they are automatically Sanctified, there's no process to it!!
And the gobble-de-gook keeps on coming, it's unbelievable how he conjures it up:
"Next we should realize that saving faith has two parts."Oh, should we, and does it really? Well would you believe it!? Thankfully no I wouldn't, because it's balderdash. Saving faith is saving faith and it only consists of one part to use his terminology. I will quote Ephesians 2:8 once more "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God." There we have it, Faith and Grace - one part of Faith and one part of Grace. There are no two parts of saving Faith, so now he is telling us porkies, whether he realises it or not.
Saving Faith is just that, Saving Faith, it forms part of our Salvation along with Grace. Without God given saving Faith we could not believe, it wouldn't be possible, we would remain carnally minded and that's it.
Here, very briefly, is the conversion process: The Father calls us and we say "Here am I", we are now disciples. We are then, through the Holy Spirit, convicted of our sinful nature and confess our sins, we admit for the first time that we need forgiveness made possible by Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. Only The Father through The Holy Spirit, working externally, with us can do this. This is not a voluntary act on our part, we have no option but to confess, because He has made us aware for the first time, of those sins. We should now feel our wretchedness, our wretched condition and need for Jesus Christ. We are now repentant in nature rather than rebellious in nature and are ready for baptism. Once baptised and prayed over by a brother, we are now Born Again from above with the indwelling of The Holy Spirit. We are now saved, sanctified and justified through Jesus Christ's sacrifice and resurrection, and don't let any blasphemer tell you otherwise.
"First, faith is a spiritual sight of glory (or beauty) in the Christ of the gospel."
Here he speaks as if there is another Christ or that there might another Christ other than the one who speaks in the Gospel accounts. Then he tells us another mistruth, for Paul clearly states that we see through a glass darkly where the Spiritual world is concerned, so there is no way we will or can see Christ's glory. We will in the resurrection, but not until then. Faith, first and foremost, and as I have already said, is part of the free gift of Salvation and enables us to believe, not to see Christ's glory. All this is just meaningless romanticising of The Word of God.
"In other words, when you hear or read what God has done for sinners in the cross and the resurrection of Jesus, this appears to your heart as a great and glorious thing in and of itself even before you are sure you are saved by it."
Jesus Christ accomplished everything in terms of conquering death and sin on the cross not in it. There is no power in the cross, the cross was just an instrument of wicked cruelty, nothing else. All the power is in what happened on the cross and in His resurrection, thereby giving us a new life and a new identity.
"I get this idea from 2 Corinthians 4:4, where Paul says that what Satan hinders in the minds of unbelievers is the "seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." For faith to be real there must be a supernatural "light" that God shines into the heart to show us that Christ is glorious and wonderful (2 Corinthians 4:6). This happens as a work of the Spirit of God through the preaching of the gospel."
Now he gets ideas, just how bad can it get, and when did The Lord start giving us ideas? Satan doesn't 'hinder' unbelievers, he completely blinds them so that they cannot believe - it's not possible for them to believe. For Faith to be real, a human being must, first of all, be called by The Father to His Son; John 6:44. This human being should now be discipled to Baptism by a proper pastor and Grace filled fellowship, being taught by those, with the gift of teaching, in that fellowship. Now when this disciple is Baptised he will be given all the faith he needs to start his walk with Christ and then grow in faith of his own.
"Second, faith is a warranted resting in this glorious gospel for our own salvation. I say "warranted resting" because there is an "unwarranted resting" - people who think they are saved who are not."
As I have already said, Faith is a gift from God that enables us to believe. Once baptised and Born Again we enter His Sabbath rest. If people think they are saved, then they are saved, unless their fruits tell us otherwise.
n2sbp y2t y2f
Over on JT's blog you make the following comment There is only one 'interpretaion' of Scripture, the 'interpretaion' discerned by The Holy Spirit - The Truth and it certainly doesn't need guarding, it is too awesome and too powerful to need guarding. Only weak things need guarding.
Can you please explain 2Tim. 1:13-14 where Paul tells Timothy to guard, through the holy spirit, the pattern of sound words which Paul handed down to Timothy? Was this pattern of sounds words that Paul was handing down "weak"?
Are you going to come on the air to defend some of your beliefs?
If we are Born Again we are given faith and without that faith, we could not believe - period.
The author of this blog does not read others materials, he just knows, through revelations from "God" that these men are in error. If he actually read Piper, he would know that Piper is a Calvinist and I'm pretty positive, would render Eph. 2 the same as the author of the blog - that faith is a gift of God. Piper's comment (at least what was quoted) had nothing to do with where these saving faith came from. He would never agree that it is something the sinner works up himself, and therefore the author of the blog errs.
Mr Downs
I have already told you, The Truth does not need defending. The Truth is Jesus Christ and He certainly doesn't need defending. He is very capable of looking after Himself and when He returns to this earth all you salvation by works types are for the high jump and then will become His footstool - unless you repent and that goes for Piper too, with his non-gospel.
2 Tim 1:13-14 "Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. 14 That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us."
Hold fast - keep hold of - don't forget - treasure as special. This does not mean 'guard'. Time to put that modern translation in the garbage bin, Mr Downs, where it belongs.
Hello Phil,
Mr Piper is not qualified to be a pastor - period. Furthermore, I have already given enough evidence to disqualify him. When I have finished answering his nonsense you will see. Then again, maybe you won't, because by the tone and content of your post, you are as Spiritually blind as they are.
Hello Pete,
If he is questioning whether or not he has saving faith then it cannot be the faith we are given, for there is no question about it.
By default, he is therefore alluding to his faith which will never save him.
A Son of God with the Holy Spirit residing in him doesn't have to do 'homework'. That's for kids.
He who laughs last, laughs the longest.
Stick with my blogs and you will learn something, unlike the blogs of old Piper the pontificator.
Ah, you return yes2truth in another disengenous guise and another hopelessly ridiculous name. When are these games going to stop? When are you going to stop looking for people to attack with your own limited biblical knowledge and ego driven opinions of how the Holy Spirit is your private vehicle for revelation? Does the Holy Spirit only speak to you? Is the Holy Spirit not indwelling other believers or have you finally discarded scripture as I suspect you have all along?
Hello Justin,
The word is 'disingenuous' and instead of spouting meaningless immature emotional garbage would you like to prove me wrong with Biblical evidence?
My names, or handles, as I prefer to call them, mean what they say, unlike you and your 'friend' Piper.
Yes to Truth and no to the lies of mainstream deluded churchianity.
No to salvation by process, that's cooked up by blasphemers like you and Piper with your non-gospel of salvation by works and sanctification by progress - yuk, it makes me want to throw up.
Time to run along and repent, unless of course you have 'evidence' from The Word of God to prove me wrong.
"limited biblical knowledge and ego driven opinions of how the Holy Spirit is your private vehicle for revelation?
My 'limited Biblical knowledge' is sure making a mockery of your 'hero' Piper that's for sure. My 'ego' as you call it is my boasting in The Lord - something you know nothing about because you are too busy saving yourself through your programme of sanctification by progress!!!!!
"Does the Holy Spirit only speak to you?"
Judging by what I read on most 'Christian' blogs the answer to that question is yes.
"Is the Holy Spirit not indwelling other believers"
Most definitely, it's just that on most of the blogs I visit I don't see nor hear any signs of it. All I hear are pontificating Bible intellectuals and theologians (21st century Greeks) who know nothing about The Word of God.
As I said Justin, it's time for you to repent and learn from a Son of God The Truth, and not the vain babblings and traditions of men from ravening wolves like Piper.
n2sbp y2t y2f
If you want to focus on "spelling" problems, try finding the word "churchianity" in any dictionary. This only proves the immensity of your conceit. Is sarcasm boasting in the Lord? Is claiming that you are the only one who knows the truth "boasting in the Lord?" The only thing you are making a mockery out of is genuine Christianity by your arrogance and pride.
As for Piper, I am not here to defend him. Noone needs to answer to you. You are not judge. In fact you have no role in judgement at all. That is reserved for Christ. Or are you replacing Him too?
As far as scripture, how about "work out your salvation with fear and trembling." Did you forget that passage despite all of your extensive bible knowledge? I'm sorry, the Papists must have inserted that in my bible. It can't be true because its not the KJV, authorized by king James who broke away from the Pope simply because the Pope wouldn't grant him a divorce. Sounds like deeply spiritual reasons. So much for Britain as Israel.
"If you want to focus on "spelling" problems, try finding the word "churchianity" in any dictionary."
If you are going to insult people with big words then make sure you spell them correctly. As for the word 'Churchianity' new words are being invented all the time and if you are an American you will know they have been messing around with the English language for years and not much of it to it's enhancement!
"Is sarcasm boasting in the Lord? Is claiming that you are the only one who knows the truth "boasting in the Lord?"
Here you display your ignorance of the nature of God, because you do not know God. If you did you would know that God mocked the Egyptians with the plagues He sent upon them because the creatures he used - locusts, frogs etc were objects of their worship - they were their gods. God always mocks those who worship in vain.
"The only thing you are making a mockery out of is genuine Christianity by your arrogance and pride."
If what you believe in is genuine Christianity then I must be The Pope! If what you believe in is genuine Christianity, how come I continually prove it to be false and people like you have no answers to prove what I say is wrong? I will tell you, because you have no answers.
As for Phil 2:12 I suggest you go to my web page and learn what it really means:
"It can't be true because its not the KJV, authorized by king James who broke away from the Pope simply because the Pope wouldn't grant him a divorce. Sounds like deeply spiritual reasons. So much for Britain as Israel."
The KJV is not perfect, it has many errors including Phil 2:12 and 1 John 5:7 but it was authorised by God's anointed, King James I of England and VI of Scotland. If you have a problem with this Truth then tough.
As for the rest of what you say, your English history is as poor as your spelling.
Finally, it always amazes me how mainstream Christians critisise the Truth of British Israel but never give any explanation of their own to the scriptures that do prove it. For example would you care to explain what Genesis; chapters 48 & 49 are all about and the significance of those chapters.
Furthermore, perhaps you could also tell me who the forefather of the Jews was; e.g. was Abraham a Jew?
I look forward to hearing from you.
So let me get this straight....
King James I was annointed by God to divorce his wife and appointment himself head over the church of England so he could continue to divorce (and execute I might add) wife after wife. This sounds like the activities of someone who is lead by the Spirit of God. I guess Jesus in the Gospels did not condemn divorce at all. That must be one of the passages that you have cut out of your Bible. One of many.
As far as Phil. 2:12, the reason you have a problem with it is because it is HARD. Your spiritual life is driven not by humble devotion to God and love for others, but by reckless condemnation, ego-mania, and the refusal to accept anything that doesn't fit with your own judgements and preconceptions. Have you thrown out the book of James in your Bible as well? Have you been reading the Bible with your eyes closed in a dark room? Your disdain for scripture is alarming and it nulifies every other point that you wish to make. You are a scripture hater and do not have the Spirit of God in you. If you did you would exhibit some of the fruits of the Spirit, but they are absent in your life.
Now I know you will reply with your usual pattern of condemnation, lack of scripture understaning, and rage. But I pray for your nonetheless, that you will see the destructive patterns you continually follow.
If you had not come here anonymously I would have e-mailed you to correct you privately, rather than embarrass you publicly.
As I said, your knowledge of English history is as bad as your spelling.
"So let me get this straight....
King James I was annointed by God to divorce his wife and appointment himself head over the church of England so he could continue to divorce (and execute I might add) wife after wife. This sounds like the activities of someone who is lead by the Spirit of God. I guess Jesus in the Gospels did not condemn divorce at all. That must be one of the passages that you have cut out of your Bible. One of many."
No, I will get it straight.
You are confusing James I with Henry VIII who divorced some of his wives and executed others, but not all of them. Of his six wives one died in child birth and the last one outlived him. One was executed for adultery, a treasonable offence in those days. Anne Boleyn was falsely accused of treason and executed.
Henry VIII died in 1547 and James I did not come to the throne until 1603 after Elizabeth I.
A Royal annointing or Coronation is not a birthing in Christ but it is of God and it makes Kings and Queens answerable to no one but God. If Henry had been Born Again there is no way he would have behaved the way he did. Henry will have to give an answer to God when he stands before Him, and his actions were or are between him and God and no one else. King Henry VIII is God's business, not the business of a pip squeak, poor historian, called Justin!!
Henry VIII was one of the greatest monarchs our nation ever had and freed our country from the cancerous financial stranglehold of the papist illegitimates in Rome, when he sacked and destroyed all their monasteries and abbeys and took their wealth. This act freed Britain to become the most powerful empire the world has ever known or seen.
As a final point, when James I and Charles I said they ruled by divine right, they were speaking the truth.
"As far as Phil. 2:12, the reason you have a problem with it is because it is HARD."
It is not hard because I have explained it and revealed the mistranslation. The problem is you and your ilk who want it to be hard, so you can continue with your blasphemous heresy of salvation by works with all the self-flagellation that goes with it.
"Your spiritual life is driven not by humble devotion to God and love for others."
You don't even know what humility is, you haven't got a clue. If we are properly birthed in Christ we are humbled to baptism and then we are lifted up. I humbled myself at baptism and He lifted me up. The Christian walk is not a walk of continued false humility or grovelling, but an upright walk as a brother of Jesus Christ and a royal priest. The humility lies in the fact that we now walk enabled by Him and not enabled under our own strength.
"Have you been reading the Bible with your eyes closed in a dark room? Your disdain for scripture is alarming and it nulifies every other point that you wish to make. You are a scripture hater and do not have the Spirit of God in you. If you did you would exhibit some of the fruits of the Spirit, but they are absent in your life."
Prove it - show me your evidence or this paragraph remains just so much meaningless emotional hot air.
"Now I know you will reply with your usual pattern of condemnation, lack of scripture understaning, and rage. But I pray for your nonetheless, that you will see the destructive patterns you continually follow."
I am the only one who does use Scripture, now you prove to me that your salvation by works is correct and also prove to me that we are to shake in fear at the thought of God.
I am also still waiting for your answers to my previous questions about Genesis 48 & 49 and whether or not you think Abraham was a Jew.
I am being very reasonable and certainly not destructive other than destroying your mikey mouse beliefs - which need destroying.
Dear n2sbp
You describe yourself as
"A Son of God with the Holy Spirit residing in him."
Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
Gal 5:23 gentleness, self-control;
-" yuk, it makes me want to throw up."
"ravening wolves like Piper."
"King Henry VIII is God's business, not the business of a pip squeak, poor historian, called Justin!!"
"As for the rest of what you say, your English history is as poor as your spelling."
Peace, kindness, gentleness, love ?
God bless
Nests of vipers - whited sepulchres - hypocrites - sons and servants of the Devil - an evil and adulterous generation - a faithless and perverse generation - etc. etc.
Peace, kindness, gentleness, love?
As a 21st century Pharisee, Dave, you'll understand that the Lord's words above, apply to you as well.
You see Dave, being 'nice' is not Christianity, but saying to people things they don't want to hear, is!!
I will be dealing with your blasphemies on Mr Warnock's blog as soon as I can, but I'm sure you will understand that wide is the path to destruction and many, like yourself, rush down it. With this in mind I trust you will also understand this keeps me very busy trying to warn them all. Have no fear though, I will get to you in good time so that you can repent before it is too late.
Once it is too late, all you will hear will be these words from The Lord Jesus Christ: Matt 7:22 "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity"
Dave, these people are supposed Christians and they are many; Strong's says 'multitudes'. I am only one of a few. I do hope you are getting the picture.
I trust you found my reply peaceful, kind, gentle, and loving enough?
n2sbp, y2t y2f
Down with Piper! Last week, I saw John Piper hit a puppy. With a "Bible" which he'd stolen from a hotel room.
I was going to delete this comment just for it's sheer infantile immature content, but then I thought no, this is just the sort of comment I need to reinforce and increase my portfolio of evidence against the mindsets of many mainstream 'Christians'.
Notice, the absence of any Scriptural 'evidence' to prove me wrong, not a single word, just stupid meaningless sarcasm which, in turn, confirms his deluded Spiritually blind condition.
Mikey C? Mikey Mouse more like.
Would you be willing to go to war for your beliefs?
I'm already at war, battling against the strongholds of religion and blasphemous ravening wolves like John Piper - you know, the man who is always 'Desiring God' but, until he repents, will never find Him.
If on the other hand you mean war in terms physical violence and killing, then no; or perhaps you mean dying for my beliefs, then yes would be the answer
I do hope this answers your question.
I apologise for my comment. It was done in the spur of the moment and without thinking.
By all means, attack what you see to be poor Biblical reasoning and unchristian behaviour but please refrain from such personal attacks - to me, they betray exactly the same problem in you that you seek to address.
Out of interest, apart from you many sites, is there anywhere else I can find out about you and those who share your theology? A church I can speak to, for example?
"I apologise for my comment. It was done in the spur of the moment and without thinking."
I thank you and accept your apology.
"By all means, attack what you see to be poor Biblical reasoning and unchristian behaviour but please refrain from such personal attacks - to me, they betray exactly the same problem in you that you seek to address."
My 'personal attack' as you call it was no more personal than yours. I speak The Truth and the Truth is Jesus Christ. If you mock me in a sarcastic manner then you are mocking Jesus Christ. I could not say the things I do say without Jesus Christ teaching me what to say.
What is your view on Jesus Christ's 'personal attacks' on the Pharisees, for He used far stronger language on them than I used on you?
"Out of interest, apart from your many sites, is there anywhere else I can find out about you and those who share your theology?"
I only know a handful of others who share The Truth and they don't have blogs and web pages. This minority will grow as we approach the end of this age, but it will never be a majority in this age. I and my fellows are like the 7,000 in the story of Elijah - unlike Elijah (and because of his experience) we know the '7,000' (I speak metaphorically here) exist, but we don't know who they are, for they are spread around the earth.
"A church I can speak to, for example?"
There is no church as you know church. The Church is me or you, if you are Born Again. In turn, if there are enough members to make up a group or congregation then by all means meet together, but meeting together doesn't make a church. The Church already exists in us, and any other membership of a demon-ination is just membership of a division - something The Lord commanded against and such membership is surplus to requirements.
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."
How did you come to realise that the "traditional" church teaching was wrong?
The Lord revealed to me that He is or represents nothing but love, mercy and forgiveness toward us, His creation, with a desire to have all mankind saved.
Mainstream 'Christianity' including the cult in Rome, do not teach about the true merciful and loving nature of the Godhead. They believe in a merciless wrathfull ogre god waiting to cast most of humanity into a firey pit that....wait for it, doesn't kill people straightway, but tortures them for eternity.
The loving nature of the Godhead is the most fundamental and important characteristic of The Father God and The Lord Jesus Christ and without that foundation of understanding all 'teaching' built on anything else is in vain, sheer bunkum and humbug, because it makes no sense. It makes no sense because they immediately fall into error by 'teaching' that this life is the only opportunity for mankind to be saved and that is a lie.
They also 'teach' that man decides whether or not he 'wants' to be saved - another lie! Who is the author or father of lies? - The Devil.
I hope this answers your question.
Catholics do very much believe in the mercy and grace of God, but there are consequences when you reject God's free gift of salvation through Christ. You of all people would understand this for you are constantly calling people to repentance. This is the same Gospel that is preached in the Catholic Church. Jesus is the only way to salvation. We either accept or reject Him. There is no middle ground.
Ah, a papist blasphemer and son of the Devil arrives with a load of error.
"Cor 11:13 "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."
"Catholics do very much believe in the mercy and grace of God"
They can believe all they they like but as long as they believe some spiritual bastard in Rome is Christ's representative on earth their belief is worth less than an empty baked bean can.
Matthew 7:22 "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
These people are many - Multitudes (Strong's Concordance) Only Rome and mainstream 'Christainity' can boast multitudes who will say these things to The Lord and He will deny knowing them, and that includes you Thomas, unless you repent and leave The Whore of Babylon to go to her violent end.
Rev 18:4 "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
You have had your warning; ignore it at your peril.
P.S. I have ignored all the error in your post, because until you have repented of the above blasphemous sins there is no point in trying to teach you.
I do not understand your attacks. I did not say anything blasphemous in my last post. I said that Jesus is the only way to salvation. I said there is only two choices: accept or reject Him and that we will be judged based on who we choose, Christ or Satan. Where is the error in those comments? Are you preaching something other than salvation through Christ alone?
The only comment I made that you disagree with is that there are some Catholics who are saved. I am sorry you disagree with this. I am also sorry that you feel it necessary to curse in regards to the Pope.
However, the fact remains that I did not share anything with you in an argumentative fashion. I simply echoed many things that you said. I think that you need to re-read my post and not assume that everything is an attack.
All you have come here to do is defend Roman Catholicism or better, defend the indefensible!!
"I do not understand your attacks. I did not say anything blasphemous in my last post."
Unfortunately, you did:
1) By being a Roman Catholic, that alone is a total blasphemy - your whole religious existence is a blasphemy or everything you stand for and represent.
You cannot trust in God and in the Devil at the same time - it's impossible. That is why I quoted Rev 18:4, do you have a problem with plain English and/or understanding that Scipture!?
2) Your original post too was a blasphemy.
"Catholics do very much believe in the mercy and grace of God, but there are consequences when you reject God's free gift of salvation through Christ."
As I have said, they can believe until they are blue in the face, but until they have repented of their religion, their faith is in vain. Furthermore, Roman Catholics do not believe that Salvation is possible outside of Catholicism, which is also a lie and a vile blasphemy.
"You of all people would understand this for you are constantly calling people to repentance."
I call people like you to repent of your religion and misplaced trust in men.
I am not calling the unsaved, that's the father's job: John 6:44 "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day."
"This is the same Gospel that is preached in the Catholic Church. Jesus is the only way to salvation. We either accept or reject Him."
You people preach a non-gospel, not the True Gospel and the above remark proves it. The unsaved can do nothing but 'reject' Jesus Christ if The Father is not calling them. Unless a human being is predestined he or she will not be saved in this age. All of humanity will be saved, but in the age to come.
True rejection of Jesus Christ will take place if you reject what I have said here. I am telling you The Truth, so you now need to repent and I will teach you. Anything else will be a waste of your time and mine.
You have not looked at the key issues I raised. Therefore in the Spirit of Christ I will peacefully cease this discussion. Christ cannot be glorified in a discussion in which you refuse to accept the fact that I believe in Christ and I am serving Christ as the Spirit leads me. You merely rely on your hatred for Catholics, a sentiment that is clearly against Christ's teaching to "love your neighbor as yourself." Now I know that you will quote all of the hard language Jesus used when talking to the Pharisees. The only problem is, I am not a Pharisee. I am a follower of Christ who has said nothing negative about you or the reality that Christ is the only way of salvation. If you have a problem with Christ being my savior fine. However, in the spirit of Christian charity I pray that you would re-think some of your agression and animosity to every visitor to your site. No one wants to be taught by you because you are not full of the love that Christ commanded his disciples to exhibit.
However, I pray that one day we can be unified in our need for Christ and in His call to spread His Gospel.
In Christ,
"You have not looked at the key issues I raised.
Yes I have looked at and raised the real key issues, but the real key issues I have raised, you cannot see or can see but through a stubborn obtuseness in your character are avoiding them because you don't want to see them nor repent of them i.e. your membership of the Devil's organisation in Rome. This means your belief in Jesus Christ is in vain - it's worthless until you turn your back on religion and walk away from it.
"Therefore in the Spirit of Christ I will peacefully cease this discussion."
You invited yourself here so please yourself.
"Christ cannot be glorified in a discussion in which you refuse to accept the fact that I believe in Christ and I am serving Christ as the Spirit leads me."
Christ cannot be glorified whilst your loyalty is split between Him and the Devil - it's impossible. Furthermore, if Jesus Christ through The Holy Spirit was leading you, He would, first and foremost, lead you out of the Devil's organisation in Rome.
"You merely rely on your hatred for Catholics, a sentiment that is clearly against Christ's teaching to "love your neighbor as yourself."
Now, immature emotionalism kicks in with you not understanding The Lord's teaching to love the sinner but hate the sin. Roman Catholicism is a stinking vile faith, but those who are part of it are just deceived and deluded, so it's not their fault and I have nothing against them as people but I hate everything they do in terms of their religion - including you.
"Now I know that you will quote all of the hard language Jesus used when talking to the Pharisees. The only problem is, I am not a Pharisee."
That's just it, the problem is you are a Pharisee, a 21st century Pharisee, as long as you put your faith in Rome whether that be just token or genuine support. Either way you are contaminating The Lord Jesus Christ's name. Here is a little article from my web page to help explain your wretched condition and thereby aid your repentance:
"The Wrong Foundation."
The Pharisees have never gone away. Most Christians think that they were just a first century phenomenon but the Pharisees had a spirit; the spirit of legalism and religion combined with a love of money. In 70 AD Jerusalem and the Jews with all their institutions were destroyed by the Romans but this did not bring an end to this spirit. It then reinvented itself as another religion and this spirit of the love of filthy lucre showed itself again and the story of that beginning can be found in the book of Acts chapter 8 verses 9-24. Here you will read of a certain Simon who was a sorcerer and who bewitched (deceived) the people and who wanted to purchase The Holy Spirit from Peter with money (a wicked blasphemy). This Simon, full name Simon Magus was a founder of the Roman Catholic organisation and it is that same spirit, that corrupt love of filthy lucre that has permeated this organisation from its earliest beginnings and to this day. The Roman Catholic organisation is also very legalistic and very very religious. So there you have it or should I say there you have them? - 21st century Pharisees.
What were you saying about the key issues!!??
"I am a follower of Christ who has said nothing negative about you or the reality that Christ is the only way of salvation."
If you were a follower of Jesus Christ you would agree with what I say rather than come here and defend your blasphemous religion. If you were a follower of Jesus Christ you would ask me to help you in your quest to leave Rome - The Whore of Babylon, not waste my time telling me that you serve two masters and that's all OK when it blantantly isn't.
"If you have a problem with Christ being my savior fine.
I have no problem at all with Jesus Christ being your saviour and nowhere in any of my posts have I said so. All I have said is those things that are reinforced in what I have written above, ignore them at your peril.
"However, in the spirit of Christian charity I pray that you would re-think some of your agression and animosity to every visitor to your site."
I am only 'aggressive' as you call it, to those whom I know will not listen and have no intention of listening, because they come here with their feeble attempts to prove me and The Truth wrong - their breathtaking foolishness bringing them to zero
"No one wants to be taught by you because you are not full of the love that Christ commanded his disciples to exhibit."
I am loving you now, at this very moment in time, but you are too blind to see it; I am loving you by spending all this time rebuking you for not repenting of your religion, which renders your faith in Jesus Christ useless. To make your faith true you must repent and forthwith or you will here the words of The Lord from Matthew 7:22 "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Read these words carefully for they apply to you unless you repent.
You said: "Well, he says he is a Christian and then he questions whether or not he has 'saving faith' Why does he ask this question? Easy, because he thinks his salvation is down to him and.....wait for it, 'his saving faith' He thinks his faith is saving him and that is the blasphemy of what he is saying."
I'm not surprised that a heretic such as yourself would hide behind an anonymous screen name. The truth is that you haven't read anything by John Piper. I can say that with complete confidence because the above statement of yours is an outright lie. No one who has ever read his writing could come away with the belief that Piper "thinks his salvation is down to him."
Honestly, you really have no idea who John Piper is, do you? Someone you know probably mentioned an excerpt they read, and you pounced on it.
I have run across your ridiculous posts on other blogs and can only conclude that you need to quit listening to false teachers and actually look at Scripture yourself. You'd be surprised what you can learn when you actually take time to read it.
Here we go again, yet another blind deluded soul who puts his faith in men instead of Jesus Christ. In fact, Mr Sheldon is so blind he can't read either - a double whammy of blindness, Spiritually blind and physically blind as well. What a sad wretched case?
OK, let's see if we can help him, but whatever you do, don't hold your breath!
Mr Sheldon you have not read my article on Piper properly. Now, I am going to tell you straight, yet again. Piper thinks his faith is saving him, he says so in plain English, do you have a problem with plain English?
Piper says this: "So the agonizing question for some is: do I really have saving faith? Is my faith real? Am I self-deceived?"
I answered with this: "Yes, Mr Piper, you are most definitely deceived."
Mr Sheldon, I quoted Piper's exact words and Piper thinks his faith saves Him, now that's the heresy, nothing that I have said is heretical, not a word.
Now, because your English comprehension is poor I will quote Ephesians 2:8 for you again: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."
Faith and Grace are gifts of God, our faith has got nothing to do with it.
Piper is saved by Jesus Christ's faith not his own faith. No Christian is saved by his own faith!!
Piper is a blind guide and a ravening wolf.
Now you run along and repent, if you know what's good for you, and stop putting your faith in men like Piper.
PS If you want to know who I am, a quick Yahoo/Google search under yes2truth will soon reveal who I am, but who I am is not important, only Jesus Christ's name is important. But then of course men's names are important to you aren't they?
Psalm 146:3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
Keep fighting the good fight. Thank you for your continual effort to stand up against blasphemous teachings and stand for Truth. Though we may have had minor disagreements on debatable points in the past, I think we share a common purpose. It's nice to know there are others out there taking a strong stand for the Truth in these last days when all of the mainstream church has become Laodicean.
Peace be to you and may you have a blessed New Year.
P.S. You can contact me at my new inbox at There are a couple of things I would like to discuss with you and get your take on. Thank you and God bless.
Hello No2. Keep fighting the good fight. Thank you for your continual effort to stand up against blasphemous teachings and stand for Truth. Though we may have had minor disagreements on debatable points in the past, I think we share a common purpose. It's nice to know there are others out there taking a strong stand for the Truth in these last days when all of the mainstream church has become Laodicean.
Peace be to you and may you have a blessed New Year.
no2salvation --
Though there is a little more negativity than I think might be necessary here, nonetheless, you are right-on in my opinion. With limited room, I must say I cannot comprehend how, in particular "scholars" of the Bible, can misintrepret such clear-cut scriptures as John 11:15, Romans 10:9, Acts 13:38-40 and tens and tens more, that makes salvation so clear to most Bible-reading Christians. I would point readers of your blog to Tom (E.W.) Wright's manifesto on justification (or mostly any other Pauline doctrine analysis by him), which sheds some vividly bright light onto the mistake in interpretation of some in the Church (like Mr. Piper),and highlights some of the very dangerous pitfalls to this thinking, which you have yourself touched upon. Best, Anthony Faber Boston, MA
Hello Mr Faber....
....and thank you for your comments.
It is late here in the UK so I will respond in full tomorrow.
Hello Mr Faber,
Apologies for taking so long to reply.
You said:
Though there is a little more negativity than I think might be necessary here, nonetheless, you are right-on in my opinion.
First of all I am glad you are in agreement but by what you call 'negativity' I presume you really mean my writing style and my blunt approach.
I write this way because these people that I confront are of the Devil and I give them no quarter. Anymore than The Lord gave the Pharisees of the first century any quarter.
I hope this clarifies the issue.
Charles Crosby
y2t n2sbp
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